Charts Recap: November 12th - 18th, 2018

Take a look at what’s been selling at The Boom! Can you feel the spirit? It’s not even Thanksgiving and we’ve already got a Christmas record as our top seller of the week. And it’s a an absolute essential, Vince Guaraldi’s A Charlie Brown Christmas is one of the classiest choices for the season. One might accuse these shoppers of jumping the gun on the Christmas season, but they are undoubtedly savvy shoppers as well. Every year this one inevitably sells out everywhere by the week before the holiday. If you want one too, you might want to get in the spirit and get a copy a little early too.

A lot of familiar covers fill the rest of our vinyl top-ten. Store fave super-group Boygenius has another great week! The only new entry here is The Good, The Bad & The Queen, which in case you’ve forgotten is ANOTHER super-group, this one comprised of Damon Albarn, Paul Simonon, Simon Tong and Tony Allen. Check out the new stuff.

Most of our action though is down in the CD charts. New records from Anderson Paak and Mumford & Sons, as well as anthologies from Chris Cornell and store-fave Dur-Dur Band are all new to the top-ten! But our major story is local rockers SLOUCHER, with not one, but TWO records in the list!! If you aren’t yet familiar, Sloucher have been making unabashedly 90s inspired guitar rock for a couple years now. You know we’re on board. Their latest is Be True, you should hear it today. Their in-store performance here upon it’s release was excellent enough to drag their last record into the charts too!

Vinyl Top-Sellers:


CD Top-Sellers:
