Weekly best-seller: Deep Sea Diver - Impossible Weight
New Releases for October 16th, 2020
The Grizzled Mighty: First, Last, and Favorite
Deep Sea Diver: First, Last, and Favorite
Charts Recap: October 4th - 10th, 2020
Scarecrow's Psychotronic Challenge 2020 is upon us!!
October is here, and the spookiest time of the year is coming up quick! Are you a dauntless soul with the fortitude, constitution and mettle to take the Scarecrow Video Psychotronic Challenge?? One of America's last, and best, video stores with over 130,000+ titles on offer is here in Seattle! Every year Scarecrow assembles a day-for-day conceptual viewing challenge for the month leading up to Halloween. You've got three weeks! Do you brave it?