Staff Pick: The Umbrellas - Fairweather Friend
For fans of: indie pop that would like a word with you
What they say: Throughout repeated listens to Fairweather Friend, comes the realization that it is the perfect album in may ways. It is the perfect album to drink a cup of coffee with before work. It is perfect for looking outside as the rain falls, for taking a walk, for telling someone you love that you do, in fact, love them, for lounging with your pet, for riding the bus home, for finally dusting the shelves that you have been neglecting. Fairweather Friend can be the soundtrack to all the pleasant things in life, to all the simple things. It is in these little moments that The Umbrellas can remind us just how important they are. - Post-Trash
What we say: What can I say, The Umbrellas have done it yet again with Fairweather Friend. The jangle pop is janglin’ and I couldn’t be happier! Pair this album with the weather we’re currently having and I promise you will see the light! - K
See also: The Umbrellas self-titled staff pick (also chosen by K) in 2021