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The Grizzled Mighty: First, Last, and Favorite

Time for another installment of our First, Last, and Favorite column where we get to shed some light on what the musicians we’re listening to are listening to! This go around we get to probe the tastes of The Grizzled Mighty’s Ryan Granger.

The Grizzled Mighty are a Seattle POWER-Trio dealing in high energy cosmic Rock N’ Roll. Their sounds will regularly veer from a distorted stomp into a psychedelic whirlpool. Their latest is LP is Confetti Teeth, out now from Freakout Records, and its a rocker. Below is the first single Rewind which is a particularly ferocious blast. And we know you’re looking to fill the live-music void left in your lives these days, The Grizzled Mighty will be on The Freak Out Live stream this Thursday (tondight!) at 8PM.

Ryan took the time to tell us a little about some of the listens that have shook him up over the years. Below are his FIRST, LAST, and FAVORITE in his own words:


Jimi Hendrix Are You Experienced?

Probably a big reason why I first wanted to pick up the electric guitar. I remember walking around with my discman as a young angsty pre-teen playing it so loud my parents would take it away because they were afraid I would damage my ears. Even though I didn't know anything about the guitar at the time, I remember just loving how his tone resonated and how unique it was, and how ruckus he played got me more pumped up than a pack of Pixie Stix. When I finally convinced my grandma to buy me a guitar for my 16th birthday, I couldn't wait to print out the tabs to Purple Haze and Foxy Lady and show my friends the next week my butchered rendition on my Costco Yamaha.  


Wells Fargo Watch Out

I've been jamming to Wells Fargo, Watch Out all quarantine. I got the album after playing a Vinyl Me Please showcase at Baby's All Right in Brooklyn, and forgot I had the album stashed away until lockdown happened earlier in the year when I was looking for projects to keep sane, and decided to re-organize my record collection. It's funky, groovy, with some psych elements and a great listen front to back. The album was made in the mid 70's in Zimbabwe during their civil war, and the more I learn about the band the more I love the album. 


Marty Robbins Gunfighter Ballads

It's probably my actual "First" too, but couldn't pick it twice- Gunfighter Ballads by Marty Robbins. Nobody has a voice like Marty- nobody. I got introduced to Marty Robbins by my grandpa, and was eventually able to swipe his cassette tape. I would listen to it every night going to bed from probably 9-13 years old. I love how each song is it's own story, and the way Marty country croons through those notes, it just puts you there. Still to this day is probably my most heavily rotated album. Road trip? Put on El Paso. Cooking dinner? Put on El Paso. Date night? Put on El Paso. Please play it at my funeral.